Since your gums are the foundation of a healthy mouth, it’s crucial to continue to pay attention to the state of your gum line. To better assist in ensuring you don’t experience gum issues, try rinsing with a non-alcoholic mouthwash to better protect your gum line and reinforce your overall clean.
Gum recession can occur as a result of bacterial plaque that destroys the tissue around your gum line. This can lead to tooth exposure and sensitivity. Often, gum issues such as disease can cause gums to recede, if you suspect you have gum disease, see your dental professional right away for proper diagnosis and treatment.
To keep gums in good condition it’s important to follow a thorough oral hygiene routine of brushing twice a day, flossing at least once, and seeing your dental professional right away.
Stepping up your oral care routine with the right mouthwash can help keep your gums in good condition, especially when paired with a proper oral hygiene routine and professional dental care.
To protect your gums and strengthen enamel try rinsing with Crest Gum Care mouthwash. The alcohol-free formula leaves your mouth feeling fresh without the burning sensation.