The choices for a product as basic as dental floss can seem overwhelming, but you can’t go wrong with a choice of floss as long as you use it every day.
Each type of dental floss has pros and cons. Here are a few points to keep in mind about your flossing options:
The types of flosses mentioned above may also be flavored. If your children aren’t enthusiastic about flossing, remind them that floss with a mint flavor can not only enhance their smiles by removing potentially embarrassing food pieces, but it can also help promote fresh breath, which might get them motivated to do their flossing before school. Adults can appreciate flavored floss, too. If you see students, clients or patients throughout the day with little time for oral care until you get home at night, a flavored floss may be just what you need after lunch. And if you don’t want the mint in your floss to clash with the mint in your toothpaste, keep mint-flavored floss in your desk for midday dental care and use an unflavored floss with your toothpaste of choice as part of your evening oral care routine. Everyone deserves to benefit from flossing. But not everyone can floss their teeth easily. Some examples include young children who are just learning to floss, older adults who may have arthritic hands and limited finger flexibility, and anyone who doesn't like putting their fingers into their mouths. But even if you are in one of these categories, you can still enjoy the benefits of flossing by using a floss holder, which is a handle with a curved end designed to hold a piece of floss.
Or you can buy disposable flossers. Disposable flossers are a particularly good choice for young children who may be less able to keep the floss holders reliably clean. When using a flosser, follow the same basic technique as when using regular floss. Move the flosser handle so the piece of floss curves around the tooth in a "C" shape. Gently work the floss under the gum line and slide the floss up to the top of the tooth, going up and down several times.
Electric flossers provide another alternative for people who have a hard time manipulating floss. Most electric flossers have ergonomic handles and some types have angled heads to make reaching back teeth even easier. Also, electric flossers promote oral health by gently stimulating the gums. But young children, older adults or anyone who has a very unsteady grip should not use an electric flosser unsupervised.
Types of Floss - Choosing the Right Floss for You
How to Use Dental Floss
The Benefits of Flossing Your Teeth
Make Oral Care and Flossing Fun for Kids