Before you begin brushing, be sure to ask your dental professional for recommendations on technique. It also might be helpful to refer to the brushing instructions supplied with your electric toothbrush.
Many people keep some sort of travel toothbrush, along with a travel-sized tube of toothpaste and a small container of dental floss, in their purse, brief case, coat pocket, or office desk drawer. It’s also smart to make sure you have one in your carry-on bag as well, in case you get stranded. And keeping your travel toothbrush kit stocked with these items will make sure they’re ready to go when you are. If you are looking for an electric toothbrush to travel with, check out our Oral-B Genius electric toothbrushes. They have travel cases that can charge your smartphone and also come with a mirror cling to hold your smartphone in place when brushing your teeth with the Oral-B app.
Remember, even if you don’t have toothpaste, wetting the brush and brushing with water is better than nothing.
The Best Electric Toothbrush of 2021
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