It’s recommended that you floss at least once a day in addition to brushing twice a day to maintain good oral health. Flossing removes trapped food debris, plaque and bacteria in hard-to-reach spaces between teeth and gums where your toothbrush can’t reach. Without daily flossing, bacteria will calcify, turn to tartar, and lead to gum problems.
Flossing involves threading a thin string of nylon or Teflon between teeth in a C-shape pattern to remove plaque. A water flosser, also known as an oral irrigator, works by shooting out a thin, pressurized stream of water between teeth. Some may find a water flosser is easier to use than traditional floss. It’s much less hands on, and less technique intensive. The Oral-B Water Flosser Advanced Cordless Irrigator is designed to deep clean and detoxify* below the gum line. Its unique Oxyjet Technology targets and helps eliminate plaque bacteria for healthier gums.
When choosing between a water flosser or string floss, be sure to think about:
It is not recommended to replace traditional flossing with water flossing. While water flossers do a great job of removing food particles and rinsing away plaque by shooting a stream of water between your teeth, they cannot replicate the scraping motion of string floss that removes tartar-causing plaque that can eventually cause gum disease. It’s best to incorporate both traditional and water flossing to your daily routine for optimal oral hygiene.
However, there are some instances where an oral irrigator may be seen as a better option to string floss:
In these situations when string floss can’t be used, a water flosser is great in combination with string flossing.
Be sure to follow a thorough oral care routine to ensure your gums stay healthy and teeth strong:
From Oral-B, the #1 dentist-recommended toothbrush brand, worldwide.
*Helps reduce plaque bacteria and inflammatory components associated with gingivitis, when used as an adjunct to brushing, flossing and regular professional care.